Learn Braille

The official braille code in the United Kingdom is Unified English Braille, an international code ratified by all of the major English-speaking countries and maintained by the International Council on English Braille (ICEB). National braille decisions are made by the United Kingdom Association for Accessible Formats (UKAAF).

There are many free training and reference resources available in the UK and overseas. We recommend these pages for a list:

We also highly recommend exploring the following resources:

The remainder of this page deals with UK-specific resources available primarily from RNIB.

Free Hard Copy Resources for Beginner Braillists

Free Hard Copy Resources for Readers Wishing to Transition from SEB to UEB

Resources Available for Purchase in the UK

Courses for Children

For further reading practice, we recommend Clearvision and the Living Paintings Trust – more information on our Braille Suppliers page.

First Stage:

Second Stage:

Courses for Adults

Grade 1:

Grade 2:

Magazines for Adult Touch Readers Learning Braille

  • Ready, Steady, Read! available from RNIB at £2.08 per issue. It can be ordered as a quarterly (£6.24), half yearly (£12.48) or yearly (£24.96) subscription and new readers can receive a trial issue. For more information, contact RNIB.

For Sighted Readers, Teachers and Transcribers

Core Reference Materials