An Introduction to the Abacus


8th December 2020    
19:30 - 20:30


Event Type

What is an abacus and why would you use one? In this session, led by James Bowden, you will learn about the various features of the abacus and why it is ideal for use as a blind person.

The session will cover:

  • physical description and orientation
  • The beads and their meaning
  • Setting numbers
  • Basic addition
  • Overflows and carries

If you have an abacus, bring it with you so that you can follow along. If you don’t have one, you can request one through the free equipment offer from the Braillists. As with all of our new master classes, supplementary materials to assist you with learning will be made available afterwards. The session will provide plenty of time for you to ask all of your questions.