Braille Podcast Proposal

Hi Everyone

To further the Braillists’ aims, as outlined at, what would you think about the creation of an independent high quality podcast celebrating all things Braille for Braillists everywhere? Find my proposal below. And if you are interested in helping start a podcast about Braille? Or if you have views about the sorts of content you think should be included in a podcast about Braille? I would like to hear from you directly. Contact details at the bottom of this post.

Why Does the World Need a Podcast about Braille Anyway?

Lots of people listen to all kinds of podcasts about all manner of weird and wonderful subjects, but I’ve not been able to find any about Braille specifically. Yet, by joining this forum you agree braille is an important subject. Audio is also a very natural way for us as blind people to share information with the wider world. I find it slightly odd that a podcast about Braille doesn’t exist already. And even if there is one, there may still be compelling reasons why we may want to make our own.

About 18 months ago I had the idea that a braille podcast could help introduce new people to Braille; support those getting started with Braille; re-energize anyone who has lost their confidence with Braille; provide Braillists with resources to help spread the word about Braille. A Braille podcast would seek to showcase the many ways Braille touches our lives, and share ways we can broaden Braille’s appeal. A Braille podcast could explore innovations in Braille technology. And a braille podcast could be a vehicle for sharing your Braille news and Braille reviews, not just of gadgets, but Braille publications, Braille policy etc.

The reason I have sat on this for 18 months, is as a freelancer with a young family to support, I have been searching for a suitable sponsor. As well as paying the bills, I would like to be able to offer some remuneration to contributors, and web hosting, domain registration fees etc don’t pay themselves.

While clearly such a podcast will need volunteers. Given sufficient interest from this forum, as a community interest company Bristol Braille Technology is willing to sponsor an initial production run. We would have a very modest budget to help with the costs of managing a website, produce audio, record content, promote the podcast, etc. This being the case, I am now in a position to help make a braille podcast a reality.

So Why Me?

As a blind dad and independent accessibility consultant, I am passionate about the power of Braille to enhance the independence and dignity of blind people. As well as directing ACB Radio for the American Council of the Blind between 2003 and 2006, I have produced packages broadcast on BBC Radio 4. I have also promoted Braille commercially for the assistive technology industry. I am regularly invited to present at RNIB Braille networking days and have led Braille technology workshops at the UK’s only course for Teachers of the Visually Impaired at Birmingham University.

While I hope my background in assistive technology and community media gives me a useful starting point, I certainly do not have all the skills and knowledge needed to make this a success. But with your help, I believe we can make it happen.

What Next

If you love Braille, or have audio production, journalism, podcasting, social media or web site skills that could be useful to bring a podcast about braille to life, please consider joining the Braille Podcast Team and help us make a difference.

To discuss this post further:

Email [email protected]

Call: 01905692279

Send a direct message via Twitter @dwilliamsuk