Introducing Braillecast Live! Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Throughout January

In celebration of 200 years of the braille code, and following the immense success of our first ever World Braille Day conference, we’re keeping the momentum going throughout January, which is observed in some countries as Braille Literacy Month.

In place of our regular Tuesday evening schedule, we are piloting a brand new format: Braillecast Live. Each Tuesday in January, we will be recording three interviews for publication on our Braillecast podcast, and giving you the audience the opportunity to ask some of the questions.

The interviews will centre around braille technology, giving you the opportunity to engage directly with manufacturers and distributors from the UK and further afield.

Each event will start at the slightly earlier time of 7:00 PM and will end at the much later time of 9:30 PM, ensuring we have enough time to interview each of our guests in our usual thorough but relaxed manner. You are welcome to either join us for the whole event, or drop in and out throughout the evening.

In our first event, taking place on Tuesday 14 January, we will hear from:

  • Sight and Sound Technology (7:00 PM)
  • Paige Braille (7:50 PM)
  • Bristol Braille Technology CIC (8:40 PM)

Register for Braillecast Live.

To join by phone, please use these details:

  • Phone number: 0131 460 1196
  • Meeting ID: 859 7317 7463
  • Passcode: 123456