HumanWare: Introducing Brailliant V2.1: More text-to-speech voices and expanded libraries

We are happy to unveil yet another advancement for Brailliant BI X displays and Mantis Q40.

Experience more text-to-speech voices and expanded online libraries(Brailliant BI X only)

This update introduces exciting enhancements, offering additional text-to-speech (TTS) voices that enable personalization according to your preferred language.

Furthermore, the Victor Reader application now has access to an extended range of online Daisy libraries, providing you with a seamless opportunity to immerse yourself in your favourite literary works with ease and enjoyment.

Click here to view the snapshot Video Tutorial

Mantis Q40 Sticky Keys

We are also excited to present the inclusion of Sticky Keys for the Mantis Q40, which allows individuals who operate the device with a single hand to achieve seamless control and navigation.

Kindly note that the Mantis Q40 does not possess audio capabilities, thus excluding features like TTS and Daisy Online. Please refer to the release notes for a comprehensive list of available libraries.

Click here for the full release notes