Braille Technology
General discussion on Braille technology and how the Braillists could be influential on it’s progression.
Canute Mk5 Testing
An introduction to the latest prototype of Bristol Braille’s Canute multi-line Braille ebook reader.
Fowler Machine
Looking at the tactile reading machine created by Professor Fowler at the University of Bristol in the 1980s.
Canute Mk5 Prototype presentation
Demonstration of Bristol Braille’s Canute multi-line ebook reader prototype.
History of Braille Technology
Paul Sullivan will be taking us on a journey through the development of Braille technology.
Canute Testing Opportunity
An opportunity to test the latest prototype of Bristol Braille’s Canute multi-line Braille ebook reader.
New Group
Initial meeting of the new Reading Braillists group. As well as introducing the group and discussing its fundamentals we will be joined by Bristol Braille and Babel Technology who will be demonstrating the innovative Braille technologies they are developing. Bristol Braille brings its Canute multi-line Braille ebook reader prototype and Babel Technology will be demonstrating their Braille glove.